OEM Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi with 3D GPS map

OEM means the original equipment manufacturer.Our technology is unique and  solid.Our service has got the recognition among our new or old customers.You will not be satisfied with any thing about our company except our technology and service.We value the pre-sale but we value after-sales more.We can take the OEM Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi with 3D GPS map as an example.The specialized point is that these units come down to installation.In fact,the after-sales is very important for the machines.We have concluded much information and experiences for most of the questions.At first,we can look at these photos to know this unit:

OEM Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi DVD player
OEM Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi DVD player

The USB port for Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 DVD Player.

The USB port for Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 DVD Player
The USB port for Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 DVD Player

The Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi matches with 3D GPS map which you can enjoy the sense of space.Our 3D map is the newest IGO8 at present.And our configuration will be updated with the improvement of the unit.If you are terrible with directions,the 3D map will be your great partner while driving.What’s more,we will send you a 3D GPS map free of charge as promotions.Our USB port is 2.0 high speed OTG.You will enjoy a high efficient data transfer.If you are the person who has not much patience on waiting,you are just the owner equipped with such machine.Look at the 1 din DVD:

Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi 1 din DVD
Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi 1 din DVD

It is a optional function for this unit.If you want to keep your original cars’CD as much as possible,you don’t need choose it.If not,you can take one.The link about this Mercedes-Benz C Class C204 Sat Navi will solve many questions in you mind now:  http://www.seicane.com/aftermarket-oem-mercedes-benz-c-class-c204-head-unit-gps-navigation-system-with-touch-screen-usb-sd-ipod-canbus-aux-rearview-srd-8847  Maybe you don’t mention one function the unit possesses.It is the real time clock function.That means it will show the right time wherever you are.In other words,the time showed in the machine will change with your location place.For example,if you are in China,the time will be the Beijing time according to the Sat Navi function.Then,if you are in America at next moment,the unit time will be adjust to the America time according to you coordinates.The principle of this function is very easy.Because our machine has GPS navigation function,we have equipped with GPS antenna.It  can receive the signal from the GPS navigation system.You hesitation will waste much of your time.The best and quickest way is just contacting us with email or leave a message.

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