The cable connections for Porsche 911 997 DVD player with Sat Navi

The cable connection is an easy thing to some extent.But you must be careful to do this work.Because every port must be on the right position.Once there is one pin on the wrong way,the whole line will not be connected.As a result,the head unit won’t work normally.So it is necessary for us to study the cable connections for Porsche 911 997 DVD player with Sat Navi.After you learn to install this unit,you can take one at anytime and anywhere.With the car entertainment device installed, you and your passengers will not get feel bored as you traverse over lonely roads and highways.With the help of the GPS Navigator, you operate all gadgets without removing your hands from the steering wheel.Next,we will show the detailed cable connections photo to you to get a  primary understanding.

The cable connections for Porsche 911 997 DVD player
The cable connections for Porsche 911 997 DVD player

The Power Cable is very easy to recognize.We don’t need to take too much time to know it.The Ipod Cable is used for the Ipod function.Your Ipod can be connected to the Porsche 911 997 DVD player.Then the music can be played through the unit.The USB Cable is the most familiar cable for us.We have used it in many ways.We can look at the port of this machine:

Porsche 911 997 DVD player with Sat Navi
Porsche 911 997 DVD player with Sat Navi

You can watch the video below to learn these functions more visual:

On the top right corner of the picture,we can see the GPS and SD port.The sixteenth cable is GPS antenna.Our DVD player Sat Navi must receive the signal from the GPS Navigation System of America.And the unit will show the  navigation picture through the GPS map(our unit will match with the newest IGO8).So the antenna is necessary for this function.More information from our website:  From the fourth to the fifteenth,these cables may make you in a daze.However,you needn’t know the meanings of them,you just need plug them in the right ports.We have provide clearly information in our materials on the website.Everything is ready and enjoying the great entertainment is your thing next.The navigation function will take you to anywhere you want to.