Return policy is a question which is a little sensitive for buyer and seller when shopping online.The source is that we can’t know quite much information about what we buy.So we will often meet the situation that we really don’t the product we have bought when post home.To seller,they will hope that all buyers will not ask for a return.The sense is obviously plain.For this,I will say something about return policy of car DVD head unit to dispel doubts for this product.Car DVD player is a electronic product which is a little complex and particular.Before buying one Car nav with DVD GPS head unit,you must make sure that whether this DVD player model fit your car.If not,you can never install the product in your car.And you aren’t able to enjoy the entertainment it brings.The car model,year and size of the car DVD player are the main standard to judge which one is suitable for your car.But we still need confirm it through the dashboard picture you send to us.The complicated buying process determines that it is very necessary for you to know about the return policy in detail.
I will take several main questions as examples:
1.I have received a product with quality problem, what next?
answer:1)Products with quality problems, including shipping damage, can be returned for a refund or replacement within 7 days.
2)Products with quality problems, including shipping damage, can be returned within 30 days for a replacement.
3)Products with quality problems, including shipping damage, can be returned within 365 days for repairs.
Please note:We only allow a complete refund for items with shipping damage or factory defects.Any defects not caused by Seicane will not warrant a full fund.
2.I have received a product with Incomplete Shipments, what next?
answer:We only offer a return service for those items which are factory defective or incorrectly included in your shipment. Please read our Return Policy before placing your order.
3.If I receive a wrong item, can I return it for a refund?
answer:In the event you receive the wrong item, please notify our customer service immediately.You will be asked to ship the item back to us, in which case we will refund your shipping cost. You may then request a refund or have us replace your erroneously shipped item with the correct one.
4.What the customer need to pay for repair?
answer:1)Custom duty and any cost by the custom in the customer’s country.
2)Spare part material cost if the customer buy less than 100 pcs but need the spare parts for repair.If the customer buy 100 pcs,1% spare parts is supplied as free support.
3)Shipping for the spare parts if the customer haven’t new order to ship the spare part together but the customer need the spare part alone.
4)The shipping for the defective units returned to China if the customer need to send it back to China for test and repair.
One video about how to use the Car radio GPS navigation system will make you know much about the great enjoyment it brings.
answer:1)The repair cost of the defective units returned to China( no matter how much it is),we will charge it for the customer if the customer send it back for repair.
2)The shipping for the returned unit back to the customers from China( no mater how much it will be),we charge it for our customer who need to send it back for test and repair.
3)The custom tax and duty if the customer send back the units to China for repair,but please inform us and follow our return method before return the defective unit,we just respond for the units which returned to us after confirm and follow our method.If the customer send back the unit without advance notice,we will ignore it without notice,the customer will be responsible for any tax or charge and problem if cause by the returned package.After reading the page,if you know all of the return policy about car DVD multimedia player of Seicane?Maybe you didn’t get one machine from us.You can still refer to it if you have met some problems on returning.Or you can ask us by email or phone directly.We will solve your problems as soon as possible.You can trust us because we have stable and rounded system to deal with these problems.And if you are a owner who have not bought one car DVD player,you are lucky to have read this article.If you have some interest for the head unit,it is worth for you to move your mouse.
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