Volkswagen series car DVD player is always a hot one among all kinds of autoradio DVD with GPS navigation.But What I introduce today is extremely stand alone in the car upgraded market.It is the hot product:Android 4.4.4 2003-2011 Volkswagen Series car DVD Player.First of all,there is a big Volkswagen group around the world actually.Then the users of buying car dvd players are much more than some other car models.While the most important reasons for the big sales are the unique style,humanized design and higher cost performance.This car DVD navigation has a 8 inch HD multi-touch screen.Just like iphone said,bigger and bigger.Wide screen will bring us comfortable visual experience.And the multi-touch function will help us use those functions at the same time.Besides,the style of this car radio sat nav head unit is natural and vivid.You can change the start up picture as you like.DIY the wallpaper with your own pictures and Main Menu Display as well.Kinds of OSD Languages are as many as 37!You needn’t worry about that your level of language can’t be shown to people and used in daily life.If you are one person with little individuality,this car nav machine will must be your best choice!
There is one another big advantage of this Volkswagen car DVD player:It can be installed on many car models.So it is more practical and flexible than other car dvd players.
2008-2011 VW Volkswagen Scirocco
2005-2009 VW Volkswagen Golf 5(MK5)
2010-2011 VW Volkswagen Golf 6 (MK6)
2011-2012 VW Volkswagen Polo
2009-2011 VW Volkswagen Passat B6
2008-2011 VW Volkswagen Passat CC
2008-2011 VW Volkswagen Jetta
2007-2011 VW Volkswagen Tiguan
2003-2011 VW Volkswagen Touran
2010-2011 VW Volkswagen Sharan
2004-2011 VW Volkswagen Sagita
2005-2010 VW Volkswagen Caddy
2006-2011 VW Volkswagen Cupra
2005-2011 Seat Toledo
2005-2011 Seat Leon
2010-2011 Seat Alhambra
1024*600 LCD touch screen which supports 1080P HD video will bring you a beautiful video view experience.If you are a TV or film fan then this car DVD player will be your best choice.At present,there isn’t any car dvd player which its operation system is under android 4.4 possesses such high configuration.400MHZ Mali-400MP4 Quad-core GPU is also the best.I just will say our car DVD will seek faster and faster,clearer and clearer and so on.You can download thousands of Apps because of the Support of Google Play Store.Bluetooth is a regular point when talking about the car radio head unit.But it is really a necessary function especially while driving.We can’t take it easy because many people get hurt just because they are taking the telephone while driving.So many people died from the traffic jams which the cause is just a call while driving. GPS navigation is the most useful function among various of the car DVD player functions.3D and voice function it adapted will let you use it breezily.And the external device connection aux will make the input and output smooth.File Management function certainly fit those owners who are called workaholics.So above all,this car DVD sat nav can satisfy all kinds of people’s taste.So hurry up!You can take it home as a great present!
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